20 Sets FCE Speaking exam vol.1

Enhance your FCE exam preparation with our e-book "20 Sets FCE Speaking exam vol.1"!
This specialised collection of exercises is designed to help candidates with practical training in the skills required for the FCE oral exam.
Focusing on specific topics, we offer sets from 10 diverse thematic categories, including:
- People
- Weekly Activities
- Education and Learning
- Work
- Travel and Cultures
- Health and Lifestyle
- Nature and Environment
- Entertainment and Media
- Technology and Innovation
- Art and Culture
In the e-book, you will find 20 sets, two for each category, spread across 124 pages.
Each set provides practical exercises covering the four parts of the FCE oral exam:
- Part 1: Interview.
- Part 2: Describing photos/illustrations.
- Part 3: Dialogue based on provided materials.
- Part 4: Discussion on broader topics derived from Part 3.
The e-book "20 Sets FCE Speaking exam vol.1" offers comprehensive exercises that allow for a better understanding of the exam structure and the practical mastery of necessary skills.
This is not a guide on how to pass the FCE exam, but a resource that will enable you to intensively practise and prepare for every type of exam task.
Boost your language skills and gain confidence for the upcoming FCE exam by practising with our sets!
Teach more, prep less!